Miracles still occur! Look at Bilbao Guggenheim Museum


THE BILBAO GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM is cause for collective pride. If one lesson can be learned from Bilbao experience in recent years, it is this:

Societies and nations must aim for excellence, dream and aim for the best, not conform to whatever just seems possible.

When a culture, a region or a nation let itself settle for anything less than great, there's no telling how low it will sink. Nor is it easy to recognize the moment when the rot sets in.

Architecture, no less than politics, is the art of the possible.

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1 Smįmynd: Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir

Nįkvęmlega Elvira, Žetta er mįliš! Viš eigum ekki aš hlusta į annaš en jįkvęšar lausnir, žar er framtķšin. "Excellence", mmm jį, žannig vil ég hugsa framtķš landsins okkar og žjóšarinnar. Og žaš sem meira er; viš getum žaš svo vel.

Takk Elvira

Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir, 30.4.2007 kl. 13:07

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