Happy to hear that Icelandic institutions are reacting to the problem of sick workers in Kárahnjúkar!

I was very happy to hear that Landlæknir Matthías Halldórsson has taken a firm role in the issue and will travel to the East to inspect personally the premises where the workers are sent to work.

I trust Matthías very much. He is a very good and committed professional. We worked together for a while in Luxembourg, for the European Commission, at the Public Health Directorate. Just for fun, some people referred to him as Mr. Drugs while I was Ms. Tobacco. Hopefully he will take the necessary measures to stop the abuse of the workers health rights.

I was also happy to see other institutions such as Alþjóðahúsið who have taken a firm stand to seriously defend the rights of the foreign workers. Even the media has been covering this event with proper attention.

It is good to see that some institutions and people in Iceland are taking this problem seriously.


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