Let´s focus on the facts, not be distracted by bla, bla, bla

The whole truth about these events and the eventual abuse of the rights of foreign workers must be fully investigated. Also the news or coverage of the events done by the TV program. Information presented to the public as the "truth" must be neutral and impartial and reflect the real facts.

Nobody can substitute him/herself in the role of the authorities  or even the judge.

My experience as a lawyer is that many people trespassing the law find the perfect excuses to justify themselves. Was this the case?

Let's not be distracted by the noise and all the bla, bla, bla. Let´s focus on the facts.

The abuse of the social and economic rights of foreign workers should be totally forbidden and duly prosecuted. We need to reinforce the existing rules and the supervision of the authorities so that this kind of events do not happen.

This is the view of the Íslandshreyfingin policy

See www.islandshreyfingin.is
See also my article entitled "Ich bin ein Berliner" about immigration policy at this blog

mbl.is „Alvarlegar athugasemdir við fréttaflutning Íslands í dag"
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