11.1.2008 | 10:52
Upptaka evrunnar á Möltu og á Kýpur
Þann fyrsta janúar 2008 var tekin upp evra á Möltu og á Kýpur. Gjaldmiðilsskiptin ganga vel fyrir sig. Nú hafa tæplega 90% borgara í löndunum tveimur skipt út maltneskum lírum og kýpverskum pundum fyrir evrur.
Changeover to the euro in Cyprus and Malta
The European Commission is monitoring the changeover to the euro in Cyprus and Malta starting on 1 January 2008. News updates on the latest developments, based on surveys conducted by the Commission and the national authorities, are available daily from that date onwards.
Nine days after the changeover almost 90% of both Maltese and Cypriots had only or mostly euro banknotes in their wallets. The proportion of euro cash payments in shops reached 90% in Malta and as much as 82% in Cyprus.
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