10.1.2008 | 10:55
EEA Law - Adoption of the Directive 2004/38/ on free movement of persons
Nż tilskipun um frjįlsa för fólks milli landa
Rammaįętlun ESB um frjįlst flęši fólks er įętlun sem snertir alla ķ EES samstarfinu. Įętlunin hefur žaš aš markmiši aš fjarlęgja hindranir į vinnumarkašinum og stušla aš frjįlsu flęši fólks milli rķkjanna.
Tilskipun 2004/38/EC er loksins komin til EES svęši.
Standing Committee of the EFTA States and EEA Joint Committee meeting 6 and 7 December 2007
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The EFTA Standing Committee met on 6 December to finalize preparations for the meeting of the EEA Joint Committee the following day. The EFTA Joint Committee adopted 24 Decisions incorporating 56 new EU acts in the EEA Agreement on 7th December 2007, including Directive 2004/38/EC on free movement of persons. This is the link to the most important document recently issued by the European Commission on this Directive. |
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