29.11.2007 | 11:40
"Bolkenstein" Tilskipun - II. hluti - EES
Bolkenstein/Frankstein Services Directive - Part II - EEA
This famous Services Directive finally arrives to the European Economic Area.
In 2005 the proposal from the European Commission provoked strong protests in Germany and France.
In December 2006 it was finally approved by the European institutions, after renouncing to the main principle that was so critical: the possibility to provide services in another country of the EU subject to the rules of home country (country of origin) and not the gest country (country where the services are provided by individuals or companies).
It will enter into force in 2009 with a watered down version that only declares "the freedom to provide services" and does not mention this critical issue (labour law, for instance, that will be applicable to the provision of services in another country of the EU).
The Commissioner that proposed it, Mr. Bolkeistein, was referred as Frankestein by the protesters.
In a famous press conference, he welcomed the idea of enjoying the services of "Polish plumbers" in the North of France, where he complained he could not find a plumber for his secondary residence. French got furious.
After the protests in France against the idea of thousand of "Polish plumbers" emigrating to France, Poland made a public relation and massive advertising campaign in France where they showed a very handsome plumber (soviet-propaganda inspired) l stating:
"I stay in Poland, please come in big numbers"
Being related to the single market, this Directive had to be sent to the EEA for incorporation into the legal orders of the 3 countries.
The question is now: will it provoke the same strong criticism in Norway, Liechstenstein and Iceland?
For all people interested, I provide a link to the videos, photos, and documents relevant for this discussion.
EU Legislative Procedure Summaryhttp://www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/FindByProcnum.do?lang=2&procnum=COD/2004/0001
Council Deliberation - Public Debate: 2772nd meeting of the Transports, Telecommunications and Energy Council - TRANSPORTS SESSIONMonday 11th December 2006, 15:45 h - Videoshttp://ceuweb.belbone.be/search.php
NEWSDEUTSCHE WELLEhttp://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2238146,00.html
BBC NEWS - Extensive report on bbc news: "EU agrees to reform services plan", march 23 2005
LOBBY - STOP BOLKESTEING ORGReport on euractive: "Bolkestein directive to stay, but will be watered down",IN FRANCE BIG PROTESTS
Further link:Article in the guardian: "Straw upbeat after EU summit", march 23 2005
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