31.10.2007 | 15:02
Islamic cell guilty - ETA not guilty - Respect for the victims please!
Madrid, Atocha killings, March 2004, judgment issued today
Contrary to the arguments of the Partido Popular (PP) who lost the elections in 2004 and always sustained that ETA was involved, the Spanish competent Court has decided today that the Islamic cell was guilty and that ETA was not involved. The association of victims is not entirely satisfied, they think the compensation for damages are ridiculous....
I ask politely all the bloggers and media to respect the Spanish Criminal Code and the judgment that decided that every one of the victims (who died or who was injured) deserves to be counted. Although the Spanish law says that it is contrary to the European Human Rights Convention to sit in prison more than 40 years, the thousand of years condemnation is still symbolic but very important for the families of the victims and for the whole society.
This has been the biggest massacre on European soil in the last decade. Almost 200 people died and 1400 were injured. Who are the victims who can be discounted from the judgment and not offered moral satisfaction and economic compensation? From the Spanish legal theory perspective, every victim, every life counts.... therefore the thousand of years. What is the price of an human life killed by a terrorist? Should there be a discount just because they killed a couple of hundred together?
I would appreciate less jokes on this point who only reflect ignorance about the Spanish legal system and a lack of respect for the victims. These news are extremely sensitive for Spanish nationals.
There are a lot of news and videos about the judgment today. For those interested in the news, please see the most important Spanish newspapers online:
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Hryðjuverkamenn í Madrid dæmdir í 40 þúsund ára fangelsi |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 15:15 | Facebook
Estoy acuerdo,me duele ver cuando otros bloggers, hacen broma de los 40.000 anos.
Recuerdos María
María Anna P Kristjánsdóttir, 31.10.2007 kl. 15:23
The ruling of the Spanish competent court is a victory in the war on terror because it clearly highlights the damage and suffering caused by terrorists.
At the same time, however, the Icelandic government is trying to discredit the good work of the Bush administration in the war on terror by unfairly criticizing CIA's rendition flights. This is not acceptable.
net, 31.10.2007 kl. 20:47
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