23.4.2011 | 00:02
Manifiesto from terrified French economists...Philippe Askenazy, Thomas Coutrot, André Orléan and Henri Sterdyniak - publishing house Barataria 2011
Manifesto of the terrified French economists
DEBT CRISIS IN EUROPE: 10 false evidence, MEASURES 22 out of the impasse DEBATESee full artifle at
Summary of the article....
Falsehood # 1: Financial markets are efficient.
Falsehood # 2: Financial markets are favorable to economic growth.
Falsehood # 3: markets are good judges of the solvency of the States.
Falsehood # 4: increasing public debt resulting from increased spending.
Falsehood # 5: reduce spending to reduce debt.
Falsehood # 6: Public debt you will pay for our excess to our grandchildren.
Falsehood # 7: There is a need to reassure financial markets to finance the public debt.
Falsehood # 8: The European Union supports the European social model.
Falsehood # 9: The euro protects us from the crisis.
Falsehood # 10: Greek crisis led to progress towards a genuine economic government and European solidarity.
Cuatro prestigiosos economistas, de diversa procedencia teórica, redactaron este Manifiesto en septiembre de 2010 al que, en menos de tres meses, se han adherido 3.000 personas del mundo de la economía y del pensamiento. En él denuncian diez falsas evidencias («los mercados financieros favorecen el crecimiento económico», «hay que dar confianza a los mercados para financiar la deuda pública»...) y unos programas de ajuste, que están agravando la crisis económica y aumentando la desigualdad social. También proponen veintidós medidas para debatir otra estrategia económica.
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 00:19 | Facebook
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